Concept Note,
Reimagining Educational Equality: Contemporary Applications of Dr Ambedkar’s Educational Philosophy - 23 and 24 January 2025
The contemporary educational system aims to enhance cognitive abilities, instil new behavioural patterns, and cultivate collective experiences by passing on society's deeply ingrained values. Public educational institutions play a pivotal role in fostering positive social change by addressing the fundamental needs of individuals and communities. Education goes beyond individual development to establishing a higher moral order and shaping a new social structure. It involves socialisation, transmitting cultural values, engaging with scientific thinking, and cultivating meaningful social relationships. The structural dynamics of education reflect the complex relationship between educational institutions and society, working to achieve societal goals while upholding cultural norms and values. Prevailing theories of structural and cultural norms tend to shape individual social consciousness without critical examination, perpetuating inequality and reinforcing power dynamics to maintain hegemony.
The Indian societal structure is deeply rooted in the status quo and power dynamics, perpetuating inequalities based on socio-cultural and economic factors. Dr Ambedkar regarded education as a crucial tool for challenging these hierarchies and inequalities. Through his unwavering social and political efforts, he critically observed both ascribed and achieved societal status. His core concept of education aims to cultivate morality in society and promote a more compassionate approach to human relationships. Dr Ambedkar strongly advocated for the right of every individual to receive an education, emphasising that education should address diverse societal statuses and positions. He stressed that the distribution of material and nonmaterial resources should be based on economic standing, social status, and educational progress.

However, the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies has transformed educational services in today's globalized world. There is a strong focus on utilizing these technologies to enhance the accessibility of education, particularly in developing countries, as part of the United Nations' sustainable development goals. However, persistent inequalities and poverty hinder many communities and marginalised groups from accessing the benefits of ICT, leading to a digital divide between the privileged and the underserved. Factors such as income, social status, and geographical location significantly influence access to ICT across various aspects of life. Educators and students must understand the teaching methods and tools that influence critical and scientific thinking through ICT. The higher education curriculum should promote democratic principles such as liberty, equality, and fraternity while nurturing empathy and inclusivity towards marginalised groups. Dr. Ambedkar's educational philosophy offers valuable insights for promoting social equality and advancing social justice through education and analysis of educational policies.

Any nation's development relies on policies and their impact on vulnerable groups. Progress is not just about infrastructural economic growth but also about uplifting marginalised communities through access to education and opportunities. The government has introduced schemes to improve their socio-economic conditions, focusing on educational policies to mitigate disparities and integrate marginalised groups into knowledge and critical thinking. Despite this, the proposed reforms do not reflect the harsh realities faced by marginalised communities. Due to their disadvantaged socio-economic status and historical circumstances, they continue to lack educational opportunities. Their involvement in the educational process is crucial for personal growth and development, particularly for breaking free from the cycle of backwardness, social deprivation, and poverty. Educational initiatives should prioritise rational, scientific, and critical thinking and create creative spaces for reflecting on learners' life experiences. The correlation between uneven economic development, exploitation, and marginalisation should be noticed more. Marginalised groups continue to experience deprivation in accessing essential amenities required to achieve a basic standard of living with dignity. Emerging concepts of democratic representation, new forms of interpretation, and communication contribute to cultural amnesia in the lives of marginalised groups, leading to confusion and uncertainty regarding the intersection of socioeconomic deprivations and artistic forms. Education becomes crucial for marginalised groups under these challenging circumstances.

Ambedkar's educational philosophy aimed to free people from deeply entrenched social structures and discriminatory practices. Merely adopting educational policies to impart knowledge for exam performance overlooks the broader goal of emancipation in a democratic society like India. Consequently, these policies and practices only benefit a limited number of individuals from marginalised groups, masking the shortcomings of education policy and perpetuating exclusionary practices. Emphasising the education of citizens should not occur at the expense of acknowledging the social context in which many marginalised groups continue to seek the actual value of education.

The global educational reform strategies have led India to focus on integrating information and communication technology into the education system. This shift has impacted traditional views on teaching methods and the learning process. Developed and developing countries have embraced this new paradigm to create an enabling network for citizens to participate in highly mediated space technologies and their artefacts. India's culturally diverse population's widespread participation in education can enhance the cultivation of secular values, ensure quality, and provide new knowledge and skills for social progress and well-being. As India rapidly integrates into the globalised educational economy, the latest opportunities in information technology need to consider marginalised groups. Policy discussions should address fundamental questions about access to quality education and acquiring new skills and competencies in emerging paradigms to understand the social significance of education. Deep￾seated obstacles rooted in caste prejudice, class privilege, and gendered patriarchy are complex drivers of social discrimination, even in the artificially constructed cyber world facilitated by advanced technological communication tools. Creating an inclusive space in the globalised educational reform strategy amid competitive financial market forces is the real challenge in the burgeoning field of advanced education technologies. The sociological issue of inequality and discrimination in education sets the stage for engaging in meaningful policy discussions. Ambedkar's policy and political interventions aimed at advocating and instilling the values of science and technology in the lives of socially marginalised communities remain relevant today. He calls for internalising educational advancement in science and technology to foster a scientific mindset. It is possible to build an enlightened India through scientific education to counteract all cultural forgetfulness regarding humanity and human values. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the new logic of the educational system and critically evaluate its implications in the educational processes within a global reformist environment to contextualise Ambedkar's idea of education, the role of science and technology, and the potential for social transformation.

Educational reforms and policies are crucial for societal advancement. Governments must develop comprehensive plans to achieve broader objectives, with education as the primary catalyst. Academic institutions are pivotal in steering change through education, research, and diverse skill development. New approaches are being implemented to oversee and regulate the global educational landscape. In a diverse society like India, varied political ideologies and vested interests can impede consensus-building, but efforts are being made to promote citizen involvement in education. Ambedkar advocates for governance that prioritizes citizen and citizenship values as a shared sound, transcending caste and class barriers. He underscores the importance of instilling the principles of social democracy through formal education to foster an inclusive society. This suggests that inclusivity can be achieved by ensuring equitable representation and educational opportunities across all segments of society. Ambedkar proposed that free and compulsory education should be a foundational principle in governance and legislation. In today's globalized context, governance has shifted from a state-centric approach due to the participation of multiple stakeholders, including philanthropists, corporations, private enterprises, and financial institutions. Collaboration among these entities can advance the inclusivity agenda in education at various levels, showcasing leadership resilience and social dedication. Given these intricate circumstances, educational discussions must collaborate to expand the domain of educational leadership and governance and strive towards an inclusive society. This conference aims to broadly explore and deliberate upon the following sub-themes.
  1. Inequality, Digital Divide and Educational Access.
  2. Pedagogy and Curriculum Development for Social Justice.
  3. Educational Policies for Marginalized Communities.
  4. Comparative Studies on Global Educational Reforms.
  5. Leadership and Governance for an Inclusive Educational Environment.
Call For Paper and Guidelines:
We invite scholars, researchers, educators, policymakers, and practitioners to submit abstracts for the upcoming conference on "Reimagining Educational Equality: Contemporary Applications of Dr. Ambedkar’s Educational Philosophy." The conference will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2024 at Dr Ambedkar Museum and Memorial Conference Hall. The Guidelines are as follows:
  1. Abstracts should be submitted to based on one of the sub-themes listed above. With the abstract, send details about the payment made for the conference.
  2. Once the payment is made, it will be non-refundable. The participant will bear the bank charges.
  3. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and must clearly outline the study's purpose, methodology, findings, and implications.
  4. The full paper should have a separate cover page bearing only the title of the paper and author’s name(s), designation(s), official address(es), phone number(s) and e-mail address(es).
  5. Authors may submit multiple abstracts, but each abstract should focus on a distinct research study or project.
  6. Selected papers will be notified by email about the acceptance of their paper(s) for presentation.
  7. Registration will be confirmed only after the payment of the registration fee. At least one author must be present for the conference and paper presentation. The registration form is available on the conference website
  8. Author(s) with multiple entries must register for each paper separately.
  9. Each author is required to register and pay separately to attend the conference and receive a presentation/participation certificate. (For example, if the paper has two authors, then both authors need to pay registration fees.)
  10. The registration fee includes a certificate, food, and lodging. After the conference, hard copies will be mailed through registered post/courier only to the participants registered for offline presentations.
  11. Authors need to provide a full paper for presentation
  12. The full paper should be at most 8000 words (all inclusive), and the APA format (Times New Roman, 12pt, single spacing) should be followed throughout the manuscript, including references.
  13. Selected papers for publication will undergo a plagiarism check.
Registration fees:
  1. Faculty, academician, practitioners in development sectors and other participants- 3000/-
  2. Research Scholar- 2000/-
  3. Foreign delegates – USD 75 /-
  4. Students Participant – 1000/-
Important Dates:
  1. Last Date of Registration- 20 December 2024
  2. Abstract Submission Deadline: 20 December 2024
  3. Submission of Full Paper- 15 January 2025
  4. Conference Dates: 23 and 24 January 2025
Publication Opportunity:
  1. Selected papers will be invited for review and potential publication in the Scopus-indexed journal.
  2. The committee does not accept any fee towards the publication of papers
  3. Foreign delegates – USD 75 /-
  4. The paper shall be selected for publication strictly on a merit basis.
Payment link